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  • Low Country Vets

    Low Country Vets



    About Us

    In the brief three years the Low Country Veterans Group has been in existence, it has become one of the most prominent Veterans Groups in South Carolina. It has been involved in numerous state and local events and has sponsored several events of its own.

    The Low Country Veterans Group has helped scores of disabled veterans secure over $20,000,000 in lifetime disability benefits that they were eligible for but lacked the knowledge and support to wade through the complex paperwork required by the VA. The group has also facilitated veterans in accessing other services and perhaps most importantly, they have provided an environment where combat veterans can help other veterans, which is often the best therapy of all.

    Low Country Veterans Group is a peer operated group consisting of individuals who bring both professional and personal experiences together in a collaborated effort to educate, enhance and encourage the veterans in the low country. The group has adopted military terms and calls the leader of our group the Commander. The group also has an executive committee including positions such as chaplain, secretary, and treasurer.

    Low Country Veteran''s Group has a mission to reach veterans who are affected by homelessness, physical disabilities, mental disabilities, unemployment, and job retention. During our meetings, we discuss veteran's benefits. Through personal testimonies, the veterans encourage each other as well as enlighten each other about programs, and benefits that are available within the community.


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